EMDR Intensives

Extended Sessions for Accelerated Healing

Why Choose EMDR Intensives?

An EMDR intensive therapy session is a highly focused and extended therapeutic experience designed to facilitate deep healing from trauma and emotional distress. Unlike traditional therapy that spreads sessions over weeks or months, EMDR intensives are three-hour long sessions that can stand alone for immediate relief or be grouped into a series of three such sessions for more profound and long-term growth. This condensed approach allows for rapid progress in healing, providing a potent alternative for significant mental health advancements in a short timeframe.

  • Are you eager to see rapid progress in your healing journey? Imagine fast-tracking your recovery, achieving weeks of progress in just days.

  • Can you dedicate a block of time to focus intensely on your therapy? Picture immersing yourself in a healing process without the wait between sessions.

  • Is your motivation to change stronger than ever? Lean on a foundation that holds you steady as you dive deep.

  • Have you engaged in therapy before and feel ready for something more? Build on your experiences with a focused, intensive approach.

  • Are you resilient and ready to process deep emotions? Harness your inner power to skillfully journey through the profound changes of EMDR intensives.

  • Is there a specific trauma or challenge you're ready to confront head-on? Focus your energy on overcoming obstacles that stand in your way.

  • Are you struggling to access regular therapy sessions and value privacy and discretion? Discover a solution that fits your life, bringing expert care within reach with a condensed schedule that respects your need for confidentiality and minimal disruption.

Intensive EMDR Options

This format comprises a single, three-hour session that includes breaks and multiple rounds of EMDR processing. It is ideally suited for addressing a specific traumatic event or a targeted therapeutic objective and can be a great addition to supplement already established talk therapy.

Personal Investment: $570

Single Session

This program consists of three distinct sessions, each lasting three hours, with intervals for breaks and multiple rounds of EMDR processing. Employing an IFS-Informed EMDR approach, the structure integrates various trauma-informed interventions, facilitating a profound yet gentle path to healing. It is optimally designed for addressing long-standing or complex traumas, as well as severe PTSD.

Personal Investment: $1685

Three Session Series

Uncover your true self, free from trauma, stress, and self-doubt.

Embrace a brighter future unchained from the past.

It’s your moment.


How are intensive sessions different?
IFS-Informed EMDR Intensives distinguish themselves through a revolutionary therapeutic approach that combines the deep psychological insights of Internal Family Systems (IFS) with the transformative healing capabilities of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This harmonious integration facilitates a holistic treatment modality that addresses the multifaceted nature of trauma, going beyond mere symptom relief to explore the intricate internal dynamics that perpetuate it.

What sets this program apart even further is its intensive format, consisting of three-hour sessions. This extended duration is not arbitrary; it is deliberately designed to deepen the therapeutic process, allowing for an immersive experience that traditional therapy's shorter, more fragmented sessions often cannot provide. Within this time, there is a unique opportunity for clients to engage more fully with their internal landscapes, enabling the therapeutic work to reach a depth and intensity that catalyzes profound change. This uninterrupted focus enhances the integration of IFS and EMDR techniques, making it possible to achieve significant breakthroughs within a condensed timeframe.

The intensive format also ensures that the therapeutic momentum is maintained, preventing the common setbacks that can occur when progress is diluted across shorter, more spread-out sessions. This continuity is crucial for facilitating a sustained engagement with complex emotional and psychological issues, allowing for a more efficient and effective healing journey. By offering these extended sessions, our IFS-Informed EMDR Intensives provide a superior pathway to lasting healing, making them an exceptional choice for individuals seeking deep, transformative growth and resolution of both acute and enduring traumas.

What are intensive sessions like?
Preparing and participating in EMDR intensives looks a little different than traditional therapy. Here's what you can expect: 

  • Phone Consultation: Before the intensive, a 10-15 minute phone consultation is required to assess the appropriateness of treatment for your specific needs. 

  • Paperwork: All necessary paperwork must be completed 48 hours prior to the session to ensure a smooth and timely start. 

  • Session Details: The intensive session is structured to span three hours, incorporating breaks to ensure your comfort and well-being throughout the process. For those selecting the series of three sessions, these will be scheduled over three non-consecutive days to facilitate thorough and concentrated therapeutic engagement. Each session begins with a collaborative effort between therapist and client to refine session objectives, review pertinent history, and develop grounding techniques for use during the session.

    In the single intensive session, the focus swiftly moves to addressing the designated reprocessing targets. Conversely, the series of three sessions allows for a more detailed exploration of how these targets interrelate within your life, revealing their multifaceted impact and the unwanted ways they manifest. This series dedicates ample time to EMDR processing while also incorporating IFS and strategies designed to mitigate the physical symptoms of distress at their neurological origin, offering a comprehensive approach to therapy that addresses both psychological and physiological aspects of healing. This holistic method ensures a deeply personalized and effective therapeutic experience, aiming for lasting change and improved mental health.

  • Comfort and Preparation: Dress comfortably and bring personal comfort items such as a warm sweater, water bottle, stuffed animal, journals, and writing utensils. 

  • Post-Session Support: EMDR intensives involve substantial emotional work, so it's crucial to have adequate support following the session. Ensure that you have arrangements in place for self-care and emotional well-being post-treatment. 

Why are the sessions more expensive than traditional therapy?
Intensive EMDR sessions represent a concentrated and personalized therapeutic experience, offering profound and accelerated healing opportunities within a condensed timeframe. This format demands a higher degree of preparation, specialized expertise, and extended session durations from our therapists, compared to traditional therapy sessions. The increased cost reflects the comprehensive nature of this approach, ensuring that clients receive the depth of care required for significant psychological change. By investing in intensive EMDR sessions, clients are investing in a powerful and efficient pathway to healing, designed to achieve lasting results more quickly.

How do I get started?
To initiate the process, please feel free to contact me through email, text message, or a phone call. I am available to address any inquiries you may have and to arrange your initial consultation. Relief and healing are accessible, and I am committed to facilitating your path towards them. Do not hesitate to pose any questions you might have – your confidence and safety throughout this therapeutic journey are paramount to me. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you in the near future.